Remember back in 6th grade when I was OBSESSED with the Jonas Brothers? Well today marks a day in history for me. I met THE JOE JONAS!!!!!!! It was so cool! My friend and I were walking around Scottsdale Fashion Square and her uncle pointed him out (because he saw this huge watch). I was on the other side of the mall when she saw him and she called me while she was following him. It was so funny because she was whispering since his bodyguard didn't want ANYONEnear him. So we met up and we walked around the corner and there he was! He looked right at me. NOT EVEN KIDDING. So I went up and asked him for a picture. And then his bodyguard was like "No. No pictures" I was so bummed! Then he was like "Yeah, sorry they don't let me take pictures at the mall" So I was like "Oh. Okay well it was nice..." Then he cut me off and he was like "Wait, what's your name?" so I told him my name and he was like "It was nice to meet you Amanda" and shook my hand! So so nice! Frankly, I'm quite happy that it wasn't Nick because I'd be crying my eyes out for the rest of my life! Such a great day that I'll never forget. I'm gonna sleep good tonight!

Goodnight World,
Amanda Jonas
P.S. He has really soft hands.
P.P.S. I thought I was done obsessing over the JoBros but thanks to meeting Joe, I am not. . .
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